Page:The Red Man and the White Man in North America.djvu/662

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  • Vaca, Cabeza de, the first European who stood on the banks of the Mississippi, and crossed the continent from sea to sea, 86.
  • Vermin, Indians regarded as, 235.
  • Vespucci, Amerigo, 48.
  • Virginia, wars in, between the colonists and the Indians, 844, 345.
  • Voyageurs, the, 291.


  • Wampum, Indian, 202.
  • War, Indian preparation for, 195.
  • Washington, President, his wise regard for the Indians exhibited in his official action, 528.
  • Water-ways of the Continent, the, 153-156.
  • Wigwams, Indian, 149, 150.
  • Williams, Eunice, an Indianized white woman, 613.
  • Williams, Roger, his opinion of the Spanish and French religious dealings with the Indians, 74; his opinion of the capacity of the Indian, 99; his ideas of Indian state and royalty, 113; his "Key" of the Indian language, 421, 422.

University Press : John Wilson and Son, Cambridge.