Page:The Religious Aspect of Philosophy (1885).djvu/21

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Altruism and Egoism in Certain Recent Discussions 61
I. Illustration of Certain Doctrines about the Nature of Altruism 63
II. Is Altruism Disguised Selfishness? 65
III. Inquiry as to the real Difference between Altruism and Selfishness 66
IV. If Genuine Altruism cannot now be Disguised Selfishness, can Evolution explain the Relations of the two? 74
V. Schopenhauer's Effort to define Altruism in Terms of the Emotion of Pity 85
VI. Further Explanation of Schopenhauer's View 89
VII. The Selfishness and Cruelty that often are the Result of Pity 94
VIII. The Cruelty of the Happy, and the Selfishness associated with active Sympathy 100
IX. Rejection of Pity as the Basis for a Distinction of Altruism and Egoism. Negative Result of the Chapter 104
Ethical Skepticism and Ethical Pessimism 107
I. The Skeptical Motive in Pessimism 108
II. The Skeptical Motive in the Romantic Pessimism of Modern Poetry 110
III. Ethical Skepticism in Mr. Balfour's Statement of its Positions 127
The Moral Insight 131
I. The Meaning of Ethical Skepticism, and the Ideal consequently involved in it 131
II. Answers to Objections 141
III. Application to the Problem of Altruism 146