Page:The Renaissance In India.djvu/93

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Europe has understood the lesson, she is striving to correct herself ; but she does not for this reason forswear science, democracy, progress, but purposes to complete and perfect them, to use them better, to give them a sounder direction. She is admitting the light of the East, but on the basis of her own way of thinking and living, opening herself to truth of the spirit, but not abandoning her own truth of life and science and social ideals. We should be as faithful, as free in our deal-ings with the Indian spirit and modem influences ; correct what went wrong with us ; apply our spirituality on broader and freer lines, be if possible not less but more spiritual than were our forefathers ; admit western science, reason, progressive-ness, the essential modern ideas, but on the basis of our own way of life and assi-milated to our spiritual aim and ideal ;open ourselves to the throb of life, the pragmatic activity, the great modem endeavour, but not therefore abandon