Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/26

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Kitty : Yes . . . but if you wouldn’t mind. Show Mrs. Grey into the library, Ellen, and ask Mr. Baldry in, will you?

Ellen : Very good, ma’am. (To Margaret) This way, ma’am.

[She shows Margaret off R.

Kitty : Jenny . . . do you believe this?

Jenny : Yes, Kitty.

Kitty : Oh, but it can’t—it can’t be true. What can it mean? Think . . . think of something it can mean that isn’t horrible.

Jenny : It’s all a mystery. You didn’t help much to clear it up.

Kitty : Oh, I know you think I was rude. But it’s all so ghastly . . . I can’t believe it. Chris . . . our Chris . . . and that woman . . .

[She breaks off as Ellen shows in Rev. Frank Baldry, R., a clergyman in the early forties.

Frank! What is it? Have you news of Chris?

Frank : Kitty, you must be calm.

Kitty : It is Chris?

Frank : Yes, Kitty . . . but it’s not what you fear. He’s alive.

Kitty : Alive?

Frank : Yes, alive and well . . . in body.

Kitty : In body? You mean . . . ?

Frank : Kitty, please . . . you must be calm.

Kitty : Calm! You mean he’s mad?