Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/49

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bleeds for you . . . and Kitty. It’s worse for Kitty.

Jenny : Is it?

Frank : Surely. She’s his wife.

Jenny : Yes.

Frank : You ask me why I stayed. I thought you might care to have me by you . . . in your hour of trouble. I should like to feel that I could give you comfort . . . spiritual comfort. You know how attached I am to you. We don’t see each other very often any more . . . but I assure you, Jenny, that makes no difference. I still feel the same towards you.

Jenny (her mind away from him) : Even though I’m thirty-five?

Frank : What do you mean?

Jenny : Did you see Chris’s face . . . when he looked at me? He’d thought of me as a girl, with my hair just up and my frocks just down . . . and he saw me as a woman. I don’t think I’m vain, but that stare that he gave me . . . the look that came into his eyes . . .

Frank : My dear, is that what’s worrying you?

Jenny : That?

Frank : That you’re getting old . . . older? It’s a thing that comes to us all. We’re none of us as young as we were. I’ve a few grey hairs myself. I’m only forty . . . but I’ve noticed lately a tendency to . . . (with an eye to his figure) well, crudely,