Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/59

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Kitty : No, she hasn’t come yet. But she’ll soon be here now.

[She goes out L.

Chris : Poor thing!

Jenny : You can’t remember her at all?

Chris : Oh, yes, in a sense. I know how she bows when you meet her in the street, how she dresses when she goes to church. I know her as one knows a woman staying in the same hotel . . . just like that.

Jenny : It’s a pity you can’t remember Kitty. All that a wife should be she’s been to you.

Chris : Jenny, is this true?

Jenny : That Kitty’s been a good wife?

Chris : That Kitty is my wife, that I am old, that . . . that . . . all of it . . . all this this house . . .

Jenny : It’s all true, Chris. She is your wife, and this place has changed—and it’s better and jollier in all sorts of ways, believe me—and fifteen years have passed . . .

Chris : Why did I marry her?

Jenny : Chris!

Chris : Why?

Jenny : You fell in love with her . . . down at the Elliotts’, after you came back from Mexico.

Chris : Mexico? Did I go to Mexico? Why?