Page:The Revolt of the Angels v2.djvu/91

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For in my wisdom I had fixed beforehand the hour of my apparition to mankind, nothing could hasten or delay it.”

Impatient for enlightenment, Maurice asked for the second time:

“Still, what are you up to here?”

Joining her voice to his, Madame des Aubels asked: “Yes, indeed, what are you doing here?”

The Angel replied:

“Man, lend your ear. Woman, hear my voice. I am about to reveal to you a secret on which hangs the fate of the Universe. In rebellion against Him whom you hold to be the Creator of all things visible and invisible, I am preparing the Revolt of the Angels.”

“Do not jest,” said Maurice, who had faith and did not allow holy things to be played with.

But the Angel answered reproachfully: “What makes you think, Maurice, that I am frivolous and given to vain words?”

“Come, come,” said Maurice, shrugging his shoulders. “You are not going to revolt against———”

He pointed to the ceiling—not daring to finish.

But the Angel continued:

“Do you not know that the sons of God have already revolted and that a great battle took place in the heavens?”

“That was a long time ago.” said Maurice, putting on his socks.