Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/111

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"Well, you know the little open pavilion down near the river?"

"The one near the boathouse?"

"That same."

"Sure I know it."

"Well, you know according to ancient and revered college tradition that is sacred to the sophomores. None other but members of the second-year class may go there. If one of us freshmen is caught there it means a ducking, to say the least."

"So I've heard."

"Well, Kerr and I were in there the other day, for we heard that the sophs were off on a little racket, and we didn't think we'd be disturbed. We had a couple of girls there and were having a little confab when along came Gladdus and Battersby, grabbed us before we knew it and chucked us into the H2O, whence we floundered like drowned rats."

"Yes, I heard about it."

"So did the whole college, I guess. Now Kerr and I feel that not only have we been insulted, but that the whole freshman class has."

"I agree to that."

"And will you help us to get even?"

"Sure. What you going to do?"

"You'll see later. What I need now is a coil of wire. I want to know if you'll get it for me."

"Certainly, but why can't you get it for yourself?"