Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/158

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do is to go back. Make the best time you can and see what we can do. Shift the car, motorman."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I got orders not to start back until half-past four. You see, this is a single-track road, and I might run into a car coming in the opposite direction. We've got to stay here until four-thirty."

This was worse than ever, and a howl went up. But suddenly Sid, who had been narrowly looking at the motorman, took a step toward him. He reached up, grabbed his beard and pulled it off.

"Hayden!" he exclaimed as there was revealed to view the features of one of the liveliest of the sophomore class. "By all the gods that on Olympus dwell, it's Hayden!"

"At your service, gentlemen," exclaimed Hayden with a mocking bow. "This is a little pleasure trip that Fenmore and I arranged for you. I hope you enjoy it," and with another mocking bow he slipped off the controller handle and leaped over the dashboard of the car.

"We hired the regular motorman to let us take his place," he went on. 'I guess you don't play ball to-day," and he disappeared in the woods with a tantalizing laugh.

"Let's catch !" cried Holly Cross.

"Sure! Let's scalp him and tie him to a tree," proposed Dutch Housenlager.