Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/240

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And much to his astonishment Tom was summoned from the grandstand, where he was talking to Miss Tyler about the slump.

"Me pitch? Are you sure Mr. Lighton sent you for me?" he asked Jerry Jackson, who had brought the message.

"Sure. Come on and get into part of a uniform."

"Yes, do go," urged Miss Tyler. "I—I hope you beat them."

"It's too late for that now," replied Tom sadly as he walked down from the stand.

A little later he was in the box, facing Roger Barns, one of the best hitters on the Fairview team. Tom was nervous, there is no denying that, but he held himself well in control. It was the goal of his ambition—to pitch on the 'varsity, and he was now realizing it. True, it was almost an empty honor, but he resolved to do his best, and this thought steeled his nerves, even though the crowd hooted at him.

And he struck out the first three men up, at which his college chums went wild, for it was all they had to rejoice over in the game.