Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/248

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For a moment Tom looked at Sid. The same thought was in both their minds.

"Had we better tell Dutch?" asked Tom.

"It wouldn't be a bad plan."

"All right, I'll let him know. If Gladdus and his crowd find out our plans they'll spoil 'em."

So Tom hastened after Dutch Housenlager and related the finding of the matchbox and the suspicion engendered by it—that Gladdus had been listening in the hall.

"All right," remarked Dutch. "We'll change our plans a bit. I'll see you later."

Tom and Sid did not feel like resuming their studies after what had happened. Instead they sat talking of the prospective dinner, Sid stretched lazily at full length on the sofa, while Tom luxuriously sprawled in the easy chair.

"I tell you what it is, old man," said Sid, "it's mighty comfortable here, don't you think?"

"It sure is."