Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/287

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dressed in his street garments, and without a word to his chums, he started across the diamond for the grandstand.

"He's going over to her," thought Tom, and the joy of the victory he had helped to win was embittered for him.

"Parsons, you did splendidly!" cried Mr. Lighton. "I congratulate you with all my heart. If it hadn't been for you, we'd have lost the game."

"Oh, I don't know about that."

"Yes, we would. You're the regular pitcher on this team for the remainder of the season, subject, of course, to the confirmation of Captain Woodhouse."

"Whatever you say," assented Kindlings, but he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"There are only two more games," went on the coach, "one out of town next Saturday, and then comes the final struggle with Fairview. If we win that, we'll have the pennant."

"Oh, we'll win!" cried Holly Cross. "Look who's going to pitch for us."

"I don't know about that," replied Tom with a laugh, but he was silenced with cheers.

"Well, I want you to win that game," concluded the coach as he walked off the diamond and the team got ready to go back to Randall.