Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/61

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"Stripped!" exclaimed a tall sophomore with a broken nose. 'The beggars have stripped their den!"

"I told you some one had been giving us away," added another. "They knew we were coming. Didn't you, fresh?" and he turned to Sid and Tim.

"Sure," replied Sid as he looked around the room, which was bare of the articles that usually afforded the second-year men an opportunity for causing annoyance.

"Who tipped you off?" asked he of the broken nose.

"Yes, tell us," chimed in several others. "We won't do a thing to him but make him sorry."

"Oh, we had a dream," put in Tom with a grin.

"Ha! Here's a fresh fresh!" exclaimed "Broken-nose." "Well, fellows, let's give 'em a shower bath, anyhow."

"Look under the beds," suggested a big sophomore.