Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/9

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I The Old Bell Clapper 1
II A Good Throw 19
III A Baseball Meeting 27
IV The Hazing 42
V A Scrub Game 51
VI The Pole Rush 62
VII Tom Holds His Own 69
VIII At Practice 77
IX A Game with Boxer Hall 86
X A Coil of Wire 93
XI An Electric Shock 104
XII Tom Doesn't Tell 112
XIII A Girl and a Game 120
XIV Tom's Curves 132
XV A Sophomore Trick 139
XVI Tom Makes a Discovery 147
XVII An Expostulation 152
XVIII Some "Old Grads" 160
XIX Tom in Cold Water 168
XX A Game of Another Sort 176
XXI On the Grill 185
XXII Dark Days 192
XXIII At the Dance 200