Page:The Riverside song book.djvu/173

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back she forced. "I hate the wind in the chim - ney."

just then blew, And we fear the. wind in the chim - ney."

wa - ges low, And I'll stop the leak in the chim - ney."

har - mo - ny. This wind we hear in the chim - ney."


Oliver Wendell Holmes. Francis Linley.

1. Lord of all be - ing! throned a far. Thy glo - ry

2. Sun of our life, thy quick - 'ning ray Sheds on our

3. Lord of all life, be - low, a - bove. Whose light is

4. Grant us thy truth to make us free. And kind - ling

flames in sun and star; Cen - tre and soul of

path the glow of day; Star of our hope, thy

truth, whose warmth is love, Be - fore thy ev - er -

hearts that burn for thee, Till all thy liv - ing

ev - 'ry sphere, Yet to each lov - ing heart how near!

soft - en'd light Cheers the long watch-es of the night.

blaz - ing throne We ask no lus - tre of our own.

al - tars claim One ho - ly light, one heav'n - ly flame!