Page:The Riverside song book.djvu/88

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\header { tagline = ##f subtitle = "AROUND THE HEARTH" poet = "George Howland." composer = "Scotch Air" arranger = "(Air: Auld Lang Syne.)" }

\score { << \new ChoirStaff << \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
  \new Staff \relative c' { \key f \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 \tempo \markup \small \italic "Andante."
    c4^\p |
    <f c>4.^\markup \tiny \italic "dolce." q8 q4 <f a> |
    <g e>4. <f d>8 <g e>4 <a e> |
    <f c>4. q8^\< <a f>4 <c f,>\! | <d f,>2. <f d,>4 | %end line 1
    <c f,>4. <a f>8 q4^\< <f c> |
    <g e>4.\! <f d>8 <g e>4 <a e> |
    <f d>4. d8^\> d4\! <c bes> |
    <f a,>2. <d' f,>4^\mf | %end line 2
    <c f,>4. <a f>8 q4 <f c> |
    <g e>4. <f d>8 <g e>4 <d' e,>^\markup \tiny \italic "cres." |
    <c f,>4. <a f>8 q4 <c f,> |
    <d f,>2. <f d,>4^\f | %end line 3
    <c f,>4. <a f>8 <a f>4 <f c> |
    <g e>4. <f d>8 <g e>4 <a e>^\markup \tiny \italic "dim. e rall."
    <f d>4. d8 d4 <c bes> |
    <f a,>2. \bar ".." }
  \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. " What -- ev -- er be our earth -- ly lot, Wher -- ev -- er we may roam, Still to our hearts the bright -- est spot Is round the hearth at home. The home that wel -- comed us at birth, The hearth by which we sat; No oth -- er spot on all the earth Will ev -- er be like that. }
  \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " When win -- ter, com -- ing in its wrath, Pil'd high the drift -- ing snow, Safe clus -- ter'd round the cheer -- ful hearth, We watch'd the fire -- light glow; Nor bright -- er seem'd the rud -- dy flames Than did our hearts, the while A lov -- ing moth -- er breath'd our names With sweet ap -- prov -- ing smile. }
  \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"3. " When wea -- ried with our ea -- ger chase, Thro' many a tang -- led path, How sweet the dear ac -- cus -- tom'd place To take a -- round the hearth! And still when by our toil and care We feel our -- selves op -- press'd, Our thoughts for -- ev -- er clus -- ter there. And there a -- lone find rest. }
  \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"4. " And bright -- er with the pass -- ing years Seems child -- hood's sweet em -- ploy, And ev -- er sweet -- er still ap -- pears Each well -- re -- mem -- ber'd joy, A -- round the cheer -- ful hearth at home, Where we in child -- hood sat; No oth -- er spot, wher -- e'er we roam, Will ev -- er be like that. }
  \new Staff \relative c' { \clef bass \key f \major 
    << { c4\p } \\ { c } \\ { \once \override NoteHead.font-size = #-2 c, } >> |
    <f a>4. q8 q4 <f c'> | <c bes'>4. q8 q4 q |
    <f a>4. q8 <f c'>4 <f a> | <bes, bes'>2. q4 | %end line 1
    <f' a>4. <f c'>8 q4 <f a>4 | <c bes'>4. q8 q4 q |
    <d a'>4. <bes bes'>8 q4 <c e> |
    << { f2. } \\ { f } >> <f bes>4 | %end line 2
    <f a>4. <f c>8 q4 <f a> | <c bes'>4. q8 q4 q |
    <f a>4. <f c'>8 q4 <f a> | <bes, bes'>2. q4 | %end line 3
    <f' a>4. <f c'>8 q4 <f a> | <c bes'>4. q8 q4 q |
    <d a'>4. <bes bes'>8 q4 <c e> | << { f2. } \\ { f } >> } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 88 } }