Page:The Road to Wellville (1926).djvu/14

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Preparing for the Journey

While the right kinds of food, in balanced amounts, are necessary to sound health, they alone cannot produce it. The body must be in such condition to receive these foods that it can make use of them properly.

Right eating is, perhaps, the most important health consideration, but there are a few simple laws of hygiene which cannot be ignored by those who would journey on to Wellville.

Physical Defects
Physical defects that can be corrected are unnecessary handicaps on the Road to Wellville. Eyes that need glasses cause headaches and nervous strain. Bad tonsils and infected teeth cause disorders which may poison the blood stream. Adenoids prevent purifying air from reaching the lungs. All these handicaps may be discovered and corrected. And they should be corrected before the individual falls too far behind in life’s race.

It is a good plan to consult a physician at least once a year for a physical examination. Why not determine to do this each birthday? The physician can give us an inventory of health that will enable us to care for our bodies intelligently.

If we are to be radiantly healthy, our outlook on life

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