Page:The Rock-cut Temples of India.djvu/83

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NUMBER 13 is a small cave situate high up the rock with only two cells, and nothing worthy of remark either in its arrangements or its architecture. Under it a large Vihara, No. 14, has been commenced, as if to form a lower storey, but at what age is not very clear, as for some reason it has been left unfinished, and it possesses no sculptures and no paintings from which an opinion as to its age can be deduced. The details of its pillars are peculiar, so much so, indeed, that there is no similar example known to exist elsewhere from which even an approximate date can be ascertained. Their style, however, is so pure and good, and there is no reason to doubt that they are of the age their position in the series would indicate, and rank among the oldest examples of Cave architecture.