Page:The Royal Book of Oz.djvu/121

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Chapter Seven

The drummer beamed on the Scarecrow.

Chang Wang Woe, the Beautiful,
The Beautiful has come!
Sublime and silver Scarecrow
Let sound the royal drum!

chanted the little man in a high thin voice, and started to bring the drum stick down upon the huge head of his noisy instrument.

"No you don't!" cried the Scarecrow, leaping forward and catching his arm. "I positively forbid it!"

"Then I shall have no work!" screamed the drummer, falling on his face. "Ah Gracious Master, don't you remember me?"

"Yes," said the Scarecrow kindly, "who are you?"

"Oh don't you remember little Happy Toko?" wheezed the little man, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "I was only a boy, but you used to be fond of me."

"Why of course, my dear Tappy," said the Scarecrow, not liking to hurt the little fellow's feelings. "But why do you beat the drum?"

"It is customary to sound the drum at the approach of your Royal Highness," put in the Grand Chew Chew importantly.

"Was customary," said the Scarecrow firmly. "My