Page:The Royal Book of Oz.djvu/148

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The Royal Book of Oz

Imperial Punster. By this time the Silver Islanders were crowding around the Emperor, shouting and squealing for joy, and before he could prevent it they had placed him on their shoulders and carried him in triumph to the palace. He managed to signal to Happy and Happy nodded reassuringly and ran off as fast as his fat little legs could patter. He arrived at the palace almost as soon as the Scarecrow, lugging a giant silver watering can, and sitting calmly on the steps of the throne fanned himself with his hat. The Scarecrow eyed the watering can with satisfaction.

"Now let them have their old fireworks," he muttered under his breath, and settled himself comfortably. The Grand Chew Chew was hopping about like a ditched kite, arranging for the celebration. The courtiers were shaking hands with themselves and forming in a long line. A great table was being set in the hall.

"What a fuss they are making over nothing," said the Scarecrow to Happy Toko. "Now in Oz when we win a victory, we all play some jolly game and sit down to dinner with Ozma. Why, they haven't even set a place for you Happy!"

"I'd rather sit here, amiable Master," sighed Happy