Page:The Royal Book of Oz.djvu/20

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The Royal Book of Oz

was in full swing and Scraps and Tik-Tok, the Scarecrow and Nick Chopper, the Glass Cat and the Cowardly Lion, the Wizard of Oz and the wooden Saw Horse, Cap'n Bill and Betsy Bobbin, Billina and the Hungry Tiger were tumbling over each other in an effort to keep away from the blind-folded little girl.

But Dorothy was too quick for them. With a sudden whirl, she spun 'round and grasped a coat sleeve.

"The Scarecrow!" she laughed triumphantly. "I can tell by the way he skwoshes—and now he's it!"

"I'm always it!" chuckled the droll person. "But—hah! Behold the learned Professor standing so aloofly in our midst."

No one had noticed Professor Wogglebug, who had been quietly watching the game.

"I don't like to interrupt the party," he began, approaching Ozma's throne apologetically, "but I've just had a most brilliant idea!"

"What? Another?" murmured the Scarecrow rolling up his eyes.

"Where did you lose it?" asked Jack Pumpkinhead edging forward anxiously.

"Lose it! Who said I'd lost it!" snapped the Professor glaring at poor Jack.

"Well you said you'd had it and had is the past