Page:The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Volume 02.djvu/58

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While I was judge, attached to Nekhen, his Majesty appointed me as sole companion and superior custodian of the domain of Pharaoh, and ... of the four superior custodians of the domain of Pharaoh, who were there. I did so that his Majesty praised me, when preparing court,[1] when preparing the King's journey, or when making stations. I did throughout so that his Majesty praised me for it above everything.

When legal procedure was instituted in private[2] in the harem against the Queen,[3] Imtes, his Majesty caused me to enter, in order to hear the case alone. No chief judge and vizier at all, no prince at all was there, but only I alone, because I was excellent, because I was pleasant to the heart of his Majesty; because his Majesty loved me. I alone was the one who put it in writing, together with a single judge attached to Nekhen; while my office was only that of superior custodian of the domain of Pharaoh. Never before had one like me heard the secret of the royal harem, except that the King caused me to hear it, because I was more excellent to the heart of his Majesty than any official of his, than any noble of his, than any servant of his.

His Majesty made war on the Asiatic Sand-dwellers, and his Majesty made an army of many ten thousands: in the entire South, southward to Elephantine, and northward to Aphroditopolis; in the Northland on both sides entire in the stronghold,[4] and in the midst of the strongholds, among the Irthet negroes, the Mazoi negroes, the Yam negroes, among the Wawat negroes, among the Kau negroes, and in the land of Temeh.[5]

  1. There is a contrast here between his duties at the fixed court and making preparations for the King's journeys. The third reference is perhaps to the duty of assigning court stations to noblemen according to rank.
  2. Literally, "When the matter was contested."
  3. Literally, "great king's-wife."
  4. Some particular stronghold is apparently meant; Erman suggests "the old fortress in the eastern part of the Delta," but this is a conjecture.
  5. This is a list of Nubian lands. The discovery of the Harkhuf inscription has thrown light on the location of Yam, showing that the journey thither and return occupied seven months.