Page:The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Volume 04.djvu/150

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Most High God, and dedicate as the emblem of peace and harmony."

The King's countenance brightened at this information, and, lifting up his eyes heavenward, he said, "Verily, O God of Israel, thou hast granted wisdom and knowledge to my people Israel! You, my friends, have given me new life and fresh spirit. Now, can you tell me where the wonderful insect is to be found, so that I may have it brought and may utilize its power?" "That, mighty ruler," replied the wise men, "is beyond our ken, and we doubt whether it is within the knowledge of any mortal man. It is supposed that the 'Shomir' has its home in wild and desolate places which have never been traversed by human foot. We are therefore not able to comply with your wish, but if you have the advice of a male and a female demon who traverse those wastes, we doubt not that they will be able to throw more light on this dark mystery."

Solomon then sent to Sichon, the rendezvous of demons, had a male and a female demon brought before him, and addressed them as follows: "It is said of you that you have a knowledge of mysteries which we do not possess. Tell me, therefore, where I could obtain that wonderful insect known as 'Shomir'?"

They replied, "We are aware of the existence of the marvelous 'Shomir,' but are unable to give anything like a near description of its abode; that is only known to our king and great master, Ashmedai. He alone would be able to gratify your wish." "And," said Solomon, "where is the abode of your king and great master?" "His home," was the answer, "is on a high mountain, far, very far, from Jerusalem, in a lovely and beautiful spot. There he has a well filled with cold clear water, covered with a wooden slab, sealed with his seal. Every day he leaves his terrestrial abode and flies heavenward to hear the songs of the angels, who sing praises to the Great God.

"Being refreshed with the heavenly hymns, he searches through the heavens, and casts his eyes on the various spheres within his view, and toward evening he returns to his abode.