Page:The Sceptical Chymist.djvu/22

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A Preface Introductory.

differing from that I am most inclin’d to, shall be intelligibly explicated, and duly prov’d to me; what I have hitherto discours’d will not hinder it from making a Proselyte of a Person that Loves Fluctuation of Judgment little enough to be willing to be eas’d of it by any thing but Error.

Errata to the Appendix.

Pag. 2. l. 3. read contrived. p. 22. l. 6. after Urinous. r. Salts. p. 46. l. 16. r. from. p 90. l. 2. pro next. r. most. p. 125. l. 4. r. Cinnabar. p. 158. l. 20. r. they. p. 167. l. 3. r. solid. p. 171. l. 29 d. being p. 180. l. 9. r. prop sed. p. 185. l. 4. after Mercury. r. into that red powder which Chymists cal pricipitate per se, and I have found by tryals purposely made, and else where related, that this powder without any further additament may be reduced into running Mercury. p. 210. l. 13. pro in r. from. p. 211. l. 11. after was, r. not. p. 230. l. 6. r this. p. 233. l. 17. r. impossibility. p. 243 l. 3. after persons. r. not. p. 259. l. 11. r. these notes. p. 260. l. ult pro probable. r. proportion. p. 268. l. 12. r. to destroy.