Page:The Science of Fairy Tales.djvu/384

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Map, Walter, 178, 234, 302, 338, 240, 341
Marko, Prince, or King, tale of, 218
Marquis of the Sun, tale of, 264, 291, 293
Marriage settlements, Indian, 321, 322
Maundeville, Sir John, 111, 239
Meddygon Myddfai, 325
Melusina, 240, 253, 272, 273, 321, 324, 327
Merlin, 209
Messia, the Sicilian story-teller, 9
Metamorphosis, 26, 31
Midsummer Day. See St. John's Day
Midwives, adventures of. See Fairy-Births
Minstrel in Middle Ages, 15
Mohammed, 182, 224
Mohel, adventure of a, 41, 55
Moravian tale, 274
Morgan the Fay, 43, 204
Morris, William, 239, 260, 261
Mother-right. See Kinship
Myddfai, Physicians of. See Meddygon
Names, Savage feeling about, 309
Napoleon I., 206
Nereids, 55, 99, 242, 267, 317, 325
Netherlands, tale from, 188
New Guinea, tale from, 322
New Year's Eve and Night, 69, 248
New Zealand. See Maori
Nightmare, the, 278, et seqq.
Norwegian tales. See Scandinavian
Odin. See Woden
Ogier the Dane. See Olger
Ointment, Magical, 59, et seqq.
Oisin, 196, 198
Oldenburg Horn, 149
Olger the Dane, 43, 204, 213
Omens, 30
Osburg, foundress of nunnery at Coventry, 90
Ossian. See Oisin
Ovid, 71
Owen Glendower, 209
Owen Lawgoch, 209
Parsees. See Sad Dar
Peeping Tom. See Godiva
Peleus. See Thetis
Perrault, 247
Pitré, Dr., 9, 53, 192
Pliny, 86, 183
Pomeranian tales, 48, 51, 141, 217, 237, 242, 243, 251, 262, 281
Polynesian tales, 44, 45, 267, 319, 324
Portuguese superstition, 206
Portuguese tale, 181
Princess, the Enchanted, 237 et seqq., 262
Proserpine, 43, 48
Revenge, Fairy, 52, 59, et seqq., 65, et seqq.
Rhys, Professor, 37, 64, 66, 110, 163, 164, 188, 231, 325, 330
Rip van Winkle, 177
Robberies from Fairyland, 135, et seqq.
Roger of Wendover. See Godiva
Roman superstition, 96
Russian tales, 119, 259, 265, 294, 298, 344
Rügen, Island of, tales from, 71, 89, 127, 152, 236
Sad Dar, a sacred book of Parsees, 96
Samoyede tale, 268
Savage ideas, 22; evidence of, 32
Savages, imagination among, 2
Saxo Grammaticus, 44
Scandinavian tales (see Icelandic,