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XIII. THE EVOLUTION OP MARRIAGE. By Professor LBTOURNEAT/. " Among the distinguished French students of sociology, Professor Letour- neau has long stood in the first rank. He approaches the great study of man free from bias and shy of generalisations. To collect, scrutinise, and appraise facts la his chief business." Science. XIV. BACTERIA AND THEIR PRODUCTS. By Dr. G. SIMS WOOD- HEAD. Illustrated. "An excellent summary of the present state of knowledge of the subject." Lancet. XV. EDUCATION AND HEREDITY. By J. M. GUYAU. "It is at once a treatise on sociology, ethics, and pedagogics. It fa doubtful whether among all the ardent evolutionists who have had their say on the moral and the educational question any one has carried forward the new doctrine so boldly to its extreme logical consequence." Professor SULLY in Hind. XVI. THE MAN OF GENIUS. By Professor LOMBROSO. Illustrated. "By far the most comprehensive and fascinating collection of facts and generalisations concerning genius which has yet been brought together." Journal of Mental Science. XVH. THE GRAMMAR OF SCIENCE. By KARL PEARSON, M.A., Gresham Professor of Geometry. Illustrated. " The problems discussed with great ability and lucidity, and often in a most suggestive manner, by Prof. Pearson, are such as should interest all students of natural science." Natural Science. XVIH. PROPERTY : ITS ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT. By Pro- fessor LETOURNEAD. " M. Let ourneau has read a great deal, and he seems to us to have selected and interpreted his facts with considerable judgment and learning." Wett- mintUr Review. XIX. VOLCANOES: PAST AND PRESENT. By EDWARD HULL, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. With 45 Illustrations. "A very readable account of the phenomena of volcanoes and earth- quakes." Mature. XX. PUBLIC HEALTH. By Dr. J. F. J. SYKES. With numerous Illustrations. "Takes up essential points in evolution, environment, prophylaxis, and sanitation bearing upon- the preservation of public health." Lancet. XXI. MODERN METEOROLOGY. By FRANK WALDO, Ph.D., etc. With 112 Illustrations^. " The present volume is the best on the subject for general use that we have seen." Daily Telegraph. XXII. THE GERM-PLASM : A THEORY OP HEREDITY. By Dr. A. WEISMANN. Illustrated. "There has been no work published since Darwin's own books which has brought to light so many new facts." British Medical Journal. XXIII. INDUSTRIES OF ANIMALS. By F. HOUSSAY. Illustrated. "His accuracy is undoubted, yet his facts out-marvel all romance. These facts are here made use of as materials wherewith to form the mighty fabric of evolution." Manchester Guardian. XXIV. MAN AND WOMAN : A STUDY OF HUMAN SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS. By HAVELOCK ELLIS. With Illustrations. "This striking and important volume . . . should place Mr. Havelock Ellis in the first rank of scientific thinkers of the time." Westminster Review. XXV. THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN CAPITALISM. A STUDY OP MACHINE PRODUCTION. By JOHN A. HOBSON, M.A. With Diagrams. XXVI. APPARITIONS AND THOUGHT-TRANSFERENCE: OR, THE COMMUNICATION OF SENSATIONS, IDEAS, AND EMOTIONS OTHERWISE THAN BY THE KNOWN SENSES. By FRANK PODMORE. Illustrated.