Page:The Science of Religion (1925).djvu/101

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these facts? Have I any selfish interest? To this I answer in the affirmative. I wish to sell this truth to you with the hope of getting in return pure joy by helping you find your joy in the practice and realization of it.

Now I have to enter into a little physiology, which will enable us to understand the method, at least in a general way. I must describe the work of the main centres and the electrical current that flows from the brain through these centres to the outer and internal organs and keeps them vibrating with life.

There are six main centres through which Pranic Current, Vital Current, or Life Electricity from the brain is discharged throughout the nervous system. These are:

Medulla-centre. Lumbar-centre.
Cervical-centre. Sacral-centre.
Dorsal-centre. Coccygeal-centre.

The brain is the supreme electrical Power-House (supreme centre). All the centres are connected with one another and act under