Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/109

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��SCIENTIFIC ITEMS At the annual spring meeting of the We record with regret the death of deneral Edueatiou Board $789,980 waa Syli-anuB P. Thompson, the famous apiiropriated for institutions and proj- English physicist; of Carl Schwarz- ects to which the organization con- srhil'l. ilirettor of the Aslropbysical Oli- tributes. The largest appropriation was servatory at Potsdam, and of E. Jung- for the medical department of Washing- tieirtch, [irofessor of organic chemistry ton University at St. Louis, which re- st llie 1'iLiverj.ity of Paris. ceived $230,000. This makes $1,OOU,OUO The tnte Lady Kelvin ha* l)equeathed given liy the board to this institution to Glasgow riiiversity £5,U00 for pro- toward a total of S1..5OU.OU0 for the research and the teaching of purpose of placing the teaching of med-

��physical science in connection with the

��Lie, surgery and ]iediatri<

��ehair of natural philosophy, long held time basis. Other appropriations were:

by Lord Kelvin. The decorations and (.^^^^ ^j^n^^^^ Hartsville, S. C, $,10,- medals conferred on Lord Kelvin "-" also given tn the university.—

British Chemical Society has decidt

publish portraits of the three past "'" »".fOOi further prosecution of preiidents. Sir Henry Roscoe, Dr. Hugo educational researches, $,10,U0«; Spell- Mailer and Professor Raphael Meldola, man Seminary, Atlanta, On., $20,00(i; nho hai-e died during the past year. : Hampton Institute, $2.'j,niiO; Tuakeijee

��_ 000; Colby College, Waterville, Me.,

$125,000; Rockford College, Kockford,

�� �