Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/524

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Aleundeb Gbahiu Bell and Wiluam Fairtield Waxuh.

Dr. Bell (vbo Is Bbowo itanding) was profMsor of the mechanlBm of aiMech In the School of Orntory of Boston UnlTeriltj from 1874 to 1879. while Dr. WarrcD was prcslilent of the unlTerBlty, Dp. Warren In bis aunnsl reports makea frequent reference lo Dr. Bell's dlscoTpry and perfeptloo ot the telephone In 187S and 187«. In 1878 Dr. Bell wna Invited to lecture at Oiford, and In his next annual report Dr. Warren saja that " this U the actual Initiation of a practice of International academic eicbange which Is destined to grow Into proportions ot the highest Import."

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