Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/608

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Smith Woodward' has traced Bimilar radiations of body form in the historic evolution of each of the great groups of Eshes.

The importance of this law of form radiation is greatly enhanced

���Via. 96. The Five Pkincipal Typkb i {A) the iwIIt-mavlnK, compreBB^d, luBltorm <£) the vompreiBed, Blow-moTlag, de?p boi latersllr deprpBBed, round, bottam-dwelllDg. i ■wUt-movLuK, fuBlform typ«a wbirb grade botlom-llvlDs tjpei without lateral flQB. Tbese five tjpei depeudentl; arlBe orer and over agalD Id the various gronpi of tbis Order. Parttallr parallel formB alio appear ataaag the Amphibia, Reptllla. and MammBlla. Prepared tar the aulhor bjr Wm. K. Oregor; and EtwiD S. CbrlatmaD.

��Body Fobm in Fishes, beglnulug with

ypes wblcb paBS. ou the one band, iota

!d tjpes, and, on the other, Into (C> iw-moTlng tj-pea, also Into (C) elongate tbe eel-like and aw I tt -moving.

��when we find it repeated successively among the aquatic Amphibia, Reptilia and Mammalia as one of the invariable effects of the coordi- nation of the mechanism of motion with that of offense and defense.

  • Smith Woodward, A., ' ' The Use of Fosail Fishes in Stmtigraphieal Geol-

ogy," Ptoc. GeoL Soc. of London, Vol, LXXI., Pt. 1, 1915, pp. Ldi-lxxv.

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