Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/93

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By Brigadier-General H. M. CHITTENDEN. U.S.A. (ret.)


THE war has progressed far enough to convince most people that its outcome is no longer dependent upon the state of preparation before it began, but rather upon the future endurance of the belligerents. This endurance relates, first, to resources in men, and, second, to resources in wealth. It is proposed in this article to analyze with some care the question of resources in men, for there can be no doubt that the struggle has reached a stage with some of the belligerents where this question is causing anxiety.

To begin with, what proportion of the total population is available for military service? That depends both upon the age limits and the physical standard in force in the country considered. When there is a superabundance of material, very rigid qualifications are likely to be insisted upon. Thus in our country in time of peace the age limits are 21–35, extending to 18 with the consent of the parent or guardian; but the requirements are so strict that, even within these limits, which cover only the most robust period of life, three out of four applicants on the average are rejected.[1]

The standard military age the world over has long been 18–45, the upper limit being at the forty-fifth birthday. It is universally recognized that approximately two fifths of the total population fall within these limits. The exact figures for certain countries and censuses are exhibited in the following table and shown graphically on the accom-

Proportion of Population between Specified Age Limits

ani Germany. Fran United Sta SECURES. SENT IIS Wales. Cengus | Census 1910 | Census 1906 | Census 1910"

0 to 14 inelusive........... 30,637 34,051 26,021 32,098 15 to 59 inclusive........... 61,327 58,073 61,398 61,141 60 and upward............. 8,036 7,876 12,581 6,761 For all ages................ 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 18 to 44 inclusive........... 42,406 39,727 40,190 43,100 17 to 49 inclusive........... 47,756 46,700 47,901 49,900

  1. Probably this is not a true criterion of the military availability of the population, for the reason that in this country, where such high wages prevail, it is generally men of defective working ability that seek enlistment.