Page:The Sea Beast (1926).webm/108

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Primrose Dance

C. W. Krogmann, Op. 15, No. 6

\version "2.20.0"
#(set-global-staff-size 22.45)

RHMusic = \relative g' { 
  g16(\mf\< b d8-.) g,-. a-. |
  g16( c e8-.) g,-. a-. |
  g-.\f[ f'-. d-. b-.] |
  g-.[\> a-. f-. g-.] |
  \tempo "Tempo di Polka"
  e16^(\mf g c b d8-.) c-. |
  f,-. c'-. b4^> |
  f8-. b-. a4^> |
  e8-. a-. g4^> |
  e16(_\markup \italic "cresc." g c b d8-.) c-. | \break

LHMusic = \relative g { 
    <g d' f>2^^ | <g c e>^^ | <g b d>^^ ~ | q8 r r4 \break
    \bar ".|:" c,8 <e g> c q | d[ <f g> q q] |
    b,[ q q q] | c[ <e g> q q] | c q c q

global = { \key c \major
           \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
           \time 2/4 %\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'single-digit
           %\partial 4
           \tempo "Intro." 
           \accidentalStyle Score.modern
           \set Score.alternativeNumberingStyle = #'numbers
           \set Score.connectArpeggios = ##t
           %\set Score.printKeyCancellation = ##f

\score { 
  \new GrandStaff \with { midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand" } <<
      \new Staff = "up" << \global \clef "treble" 
                           \new Voice { \RHMusic }
      \new Staff = "down" << \global \clef "bass" 
                             \new Voice { \LHMusic }
         \midi { \tempo 2. = 63 }
         \layout { indent = #0 }

\header { 
          tagline = ##f