Page:The Selkirk mountains (1912).djvu/190

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Guide to the Selkirk Mountains.


17. A summer camp in some suitable part of the mountain regions shall be organized in each year for the purpose of enabling Graduating members to qualify for Active membership, and the members generally to meet together for study and climbing in the alpine districts of Canada.


18. The Badge of the Alpine Club of Canada may be bestowed for achievement in mountaineering or for distinction in literature, science or art relating to mountains, including alpine exploration or travel.

(a) To be eligible for the Badge it shall be necessary:

(1) To be a Member of the Club.

(2) For a Man.—To have climbed during at least four separate seasons in some recognized alpine region of the world, and to have made during each of the said seasons at least one climb qualifying for Active membership. The number of seasons and climbs required rests with the Executive Board.

(i) For a Woman.—To have climbed during at least three separate seasons in some recognized alpine region of the world, and to have made during each of the said seasons at least one climb qualifying for Active membership. The number of seasons and climbs required rests with the Executive Board.

(b) The Executive Board shall have power by a unanimous vote to bestow the badge upon members of the Club who are distinguished in literature, science or art relating to mountains, including alpine explorations or travel, without other qualification.

(c) All claims for the badge shall be referred to the Executive Board and the title to it shall be subject to acceptance of the said claims by the Board.


19. Special meetings of the Club may be called by the President or by a Vice-President and the Hon. Secretary, acting under his authority. In such case due official notice shall be mailed to all members six weeks before such meeting, stating the purpose for which it is called.


20. A library or libraries shall be established where the publications of the Club and books, maps, photographs and works of art relating to mountain scenery shall be gathered together and filed for the use of its members.


21. (a) Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be made at any regularly called meeting of the Club, provided that such amendment or amendments shall have the signatures of not less than five Active members of the Club and are acquiesced in by two-thirds of those recording their votes.

(b) All such amendments shall be mailed by the Secretary-Treasurer to the members, on printed ballots, six weeks in advance, together with the names of the five members proposing the change. Such ballots as have been returned to the Secretary-Treasurer shall be canvassed by a committee appointed by the President and the result declared at the meeting aforesaid.