Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/107

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was carried on for a few more minutes, and then Lord Chesterton departed, or rather seemed to Blanche to vanish in a black cloud, which would dissolve eventually into a letter to Arthur, warning him of the folly of his wife.

"Oh, dear Aileen, what shall I do? he is so angry!"

"What is the matter, darling? I saw Lord Chesterton was not pleased, but don't cry about it—there must be some mistake. What has happened?"

"Why, it is all that dreadful Colonel Hilton. He came here this morning, actually came in at the garden gate, without asking if I were at home, and he began to talk in such a strange way. I am sure I never gave him the slightest encouragement to talk to me of his feelings, and his happiness, I do not care if he is happy, or miserable; and then Lord Chesterton came, and he looked astonished as well he might, and then to make matters worse, that odious Colonel Hilton rushed off like a madman, leaving my