Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/114

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sympathise with her happiness, and I have extorted from her the permission to tell you what is to be a secret to the rest of the world for a few days.

" Your affectionate daughter,

"B. C."

Now there was nothing in the world pleased Lord Chesterton so much as a small confidence. He liked to feel that he had in his possession an actual secret; something that was made clear in black and white to him, and remained a blank to the rest of the world. He carried these confidential letters about in his waistcoat pocket, occasionally alluding to them mysteriously, and perhaps allowing, to a very intimate friend the sight of one corner of the envelope, or of half the postage stamp.

Moreover, being very precise and reserved himself, the ease and frankness of his daughter-in-law were, to him, a constant source of surprise and amazement. He always recommended a very little more pru-