Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/155

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had passed away for ever, he could not subside from that last chassé, stiffly as it was performed, into the bowed-down mourner.

Surprise had been felt on shore, but there was equal surprise on board. The Baroness who was doing the patroness, full of majesty, and also doing Cleopatra, minus the Nile, suddenly roused herself from a very effective attitude, and beckoning to Willis, said, in an agitated voice, "Who is that leaning on Mrs. Hopkinson's arm?"

"Lady Sarah Mortimer, ma'am."

"And the gentleman offering chairs to your sisters-in-law—two gentlemen indeed?"

"One is Colonel Hilton, who is to marry Miss Grenville, and the other is, I think, her brother."

"Well, upon my word, they are free and easy young ladies, talking and laughing with those young men as though they had known them all their lives. This school feast has been a great introduction for them," said the Baroness spitefully. "I believe, in these days, a little attention to the poor is not a bad