Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/172

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I have brought a card for my déjeuner on the 16th."

"Thank you," said Mrs. Hopkinson, "my girls are engaged."

"Oh! you dissipated creatures"; the Baroness glanced at the looking-glass; there was no card paraded there, and she began to doubt the St. Maur concert. "But if it is a dinner engagement you can still come to me for the afternoon."

The girls were determined not to gratify her curiosity, and merely said they were engaged for the day.

"Well, I hope I shall be more fortunate on the 23rd. I will leave a card to remind; and as young ladies always have some young gentlemen to whom they like to show a little civility, I will leave another card or two. Ah! I am very discreet, I shan't mention any names you may choose to add; but when I see a charming young man sitting with two charming young ladies, I know what to think. Now I must run away; my dear Rachel will miss me. I hope Captain Hopkinson will