Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/203

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Chester has given Charlie such a nice little dog. And, I dare say, if the Queen had come to St. Maur House, the Duchess would have been just the same to you. People are so kind. I suppose Her Majesty did not drop in?" added Mrs. Hopkinson faintly.

"No, mamma."

"No, of course not; what with all her children, and what with making war and making peace, and giving balls and proroguing parliaments and the Government always changing, she has not much time for visiting, poor thing! I suppose you did not know any of the company?"

"Oh yes, there were Lord Chester, and Colonel Hilton, and Mr. Grenville; and Mr. Harcourt," said Janet, "got a seat next to Rose."

Captain Hopkinson thought Rose had really more colour now than her sister.

"And Mr. Greydon," said Rose, "took us to the refreshment-room, and afterwards to the carriage."

Janet drew herself up, and her father said