Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/207

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am not in spirits to-night." (Janet and Rose looked at each other.) "The Baroness took me to hear the singing," and he shuddered naturally, as he mentioned the comic song and the more comic songstress.

"But there is nothing dispiriting in that," said Janet, "you often hear us sing."

"Yes, so often, that it does not annoy me at all, I am quite used to it, I really hardly hear it. It does not even prevent me from attending to my book," and Willis thought that he was paying his sisters a most gratifying compliment, "but this Miss Corban screamed out her deplorable jokes, so that it was impossible to help hearing them. It was a pitiable spectacle!"

"Could you not just give us an idea, Charles, of the air, and some of the words?" said Rose.

"I! I sing a comic song! my dear Rose, do think a little before you speak. Have you ever seen anything in me, that would lead you to suppose that I can sing?"

"No, but I never, till the other day, saw anything in you that led me to suppose you