Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/220

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did me the honour to wish for me as a director; and then I feel that railroads, and harbours—in fact, facilities for trade are our best means for the conversion of our Eastern brethren, Don't you agree with me Captain Hopkinson? Though these railroads may carry opium, Christianity will have its ticket too."

"I hope it may, Baron; but I am sorry to say that the Christian in the East, carries little Christianity with him. However, we must hope for the best, and now I am afraid I must leave you to the care of my wife and daughters, I am obliged to be in town at three, and have a friend waiting at the door for me."

"We must be going too," said the Baroness, rising, "we have paid a most unconscionable visit. I hope Rachel has persuaded those young ladies to honour us on the twenty-third, and to bring their music with them. We had a most delightful singer last Wednesday, Miss Corban, daughter of Corban, Isaacs & Co., elle chante à ravir, such delightful comic songs.