Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/231

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to see him as fine a looking man as his grandfather; not that John is his grandfather, but he is a fine looking man all the same, And it seems there is such a grand murder in the paper, you must find it and read it to me, girls; a whole family poisoned by the father, just think of John poisoning us at breakfast, or indeed of his meddling with my tea-pot; and Lord Chester and Dr. Ayscough said such clever things about poisons, I thought I would remember them for fear of accidents; but I am not quite certain whether I have not forgotten part. However, I know it is not wholesome to take strichnine in any great quantity, so mind that, girls; arsenic, which is very apt to get into puddings and gruel, should be avoided, and you should take something after it, if you do swallow any—but I forget what. It was really very interesting, and I like a good murder that can't be found out; that is, of course, it is very shocking, but I like to hear about it. Then I thought I would take a hint about diet, by watching what the Doctor ate. You know he told us,