Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/250

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out of her bed and frightened out of her senses, and delighted to find that her experience as a mother and a nurse were to be made available to her neighbours at a most inconvenient hour.

Pleasance did not wear its usual cheerful aspect that morning; the drawing-room had that deplorable 'last night' look, belonging to rooms that have not received the morning attentions of the housemaid. The chairs looked as it they had been dancing all night, and had rumpled their chintz covers, the books seemed to have fallen off the table in their sleep, and the music appeared to have quarrelled with the Pianoforte in an attempt to place itself on the music stand. Only one shutter had been partially unclosed, and through the crack, there came that struggling ray that ought to be light, but looks very much like dust.

Aileen came the moment she heard of Mrs. Hopkinson's arrival, looking pale and frightened, and she immediately hurried her neighbour upstairs, explaining that Blanche had been taken ill sooner than they expected,