Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/278

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"That is what I want to know, Aunt Rebecca, you do not look well, and perhaps Dr. Ayscough—"

"Oh, don't talk to me of Dr. Ayscough, he really is too trying, never attaching the slightest importance to any of my symptoms, nor, in fact, to anything I say."

"Well, Mr. Duckett is reckoned clever, and is close at hand, and he has been attending Lady Chester."

"Oh, thank you, I am not going to trust my health to a country apothecary. It is all very well for the Chesters, who are, I suppose, as poor as rats while Lord Chesterton lives. I think, with all our wealth, I might afford to see a physician."

"Can I write to any one for you? those nervous headaches—"

"I really must beg, Rachel, you will not take these strange fancies. What can make me nervous? me, who am notorious for high spirits!" whereupon the Baroness burst into tears, and became almost hysterical. Rachel quietly administered all the usual