Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/286

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"I am thinking of going to the sea-side in the first instance. My old governess will be glad to pass the holidays with me, and that little delicate boy of Mr. Willis's is advised to try sea-bathing—so, if the Hopkinsons will let me have him, he will go too."

"Upon my word, this is extremely flattering to the melancholy Jaques, as you chose to nickname my friend Mr. Willis. Well, nothing in this world surprises me; but I must say, that after being accustomed to the society of Moses, with his wit and vivacity and air of fashion," (poor dear Moses, with his vulgar jokes, and flashy appearance) "I can hardly understand this preference of that gloomy man. Not that Moses is a marrying man. Don't go and fancy that, and I am sure Willis is much too devoted to the memory of his first wife to think of a second, so you have no chance there."

"How distressing!" said Rachel, "but it will be interesting to sit on the rock and pine for either or both of them.