Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/300

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says must be right, and besides, I should like to taste hot ice."

"Are you really going to these Simpsons or Sampsons?" said Harcourt to Rose. "I think it would be good fun to go too, suppose we all go! Arthur, will you come?"

"Oh, no, no," said Blanche, "it is quite impossible! besides, Arthur is not asked happily."

"Oh, that is of no consequence," said Harcourt, "of course, the Sampsons will take our going as a compliment, I don't suppose an invitation is necessary; they are just the sort of people to call us 'swells,' and to think it 'stylish' of us to come uninvited."

"The Baroness gave me some cards for gentlemen," said Mrs. Hopkinson, "I believe she meant one of them for Lord Chester."

"Very likely," said Blanche, "but Mr. Harcourt can have it, Arthur is particularly engaged."

"I should like to go, Blanche."

"Oh no, dearest, you would not; you will be thinking next that you would like to take