Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/307

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Baroness assures me is not unworthy of my notice?"

Whether it were or not, will never be known, for Harcourt and Rose passed the open windows of the saloon, without appearing to perceive the volume of sound that issued from them, and strolled on to a bench in the flower garden, where they seemed to be engaged in earnest conversation. Indeed, Harcourt began their expedition by saying he had something very particular to say. Mr. Greydon asked Janet soon after, if she would not like to follow her sister, and upon her assenting, he led her in an exactly opposite direction. Perhaps, he too had something particular to say.

The sinister whispers respecting the absence of their host, which were beginning to circulate amongst his City friends, were stopped by his sudden appearance. He appeared to have escaped the influenza to which the Baroness attributed her changed appearance, and a veil that should conceal his intelligent eye, intellectual forehead, and general aspect of