Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/309

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there, and after dinner see what can be done for these poor Corbans?"

And so they all went to the turtle and venison, and pine-apple, that represented sandwiches, and invigorated themselves with a view of being charitable eventually.

Janet and Rose, looking very demure, had rejoined their father and mother; and of course, by the merest accident, Mr. Greydon and Mr. Harcourt met them struggling through the crowd that was flocking into the dining-room, and offered their services. They found places not very far from the Baron, which was an advantageous position, inasmuch as they could hear an occasional axiom of morality, so well worded that it made an impression on the memory, and might be of use to them for life. His liberality, too, for he was still eager in the cause of the Corbans, was good as an example; and Janet began to wonder whether a sovereign, the only one she had, might not be offered more as a tribute to the influence of the Baron's example and exhortations, than with any hope of its being of the smallest