Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/39

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see how any amende was to be made. However, chance befriended her.

Lady Chester was quite knocked up by the morning's exertion, so Aileen went alone to the afternoon service, and found her fat friend of the morning coming out of the adjoining house, accompanied by her slim daughters. They arrived at the church door together, and then Aileen said, "If you are not provided with a seat, my sister is not coming to church, and there will be room in our pew for all your party." She was surprised to see the difference in Mrs. Hopkinson's appearance since the morning. Her good-humoured face had its usual benevolent look; she was actually cool, though the thermometer was some degrees higher than it had been, and her thanks were so cordial, that Aileen felt pleased to find her little civility so much valued.

"Who do you think that lady was who sat with us this morning?" Aileen said, as she rejoined Blanche on the lawn.

"How can I possibly guess, dear? Somebody evidently perturbed in mind, and very