Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/49

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Mrs. Hopkinson; I want the Baron to take a villa. I adore flowers and green lawns; London kills me. It is such a stuffy, sad place, and so wicked!" This last moral observation was addressed to Mr. Greydon in compliment to his clerical functions.

"Should I like Dulham, Willis? Is there anybody here one knows?"

"T should think not. But I am a sad recluse, I know nobody!"

"Ah, now, I won't have you talk in that way! If I have a villa here, I shall insist on your knowing everybody. Is there any house that would suit us? I must have it on the banks of the river. That dear river—I really worship your Thames!"

"Pleasance might have suited you, but Lord Chester has just taken it," said Mrs. Hopkinson.

"Lord Chester! Dear me! the man with the pretty wife you mean, They are both quite the rage in our set."

"Do you know them, Baroness?"

"Well, no, not exactly; but still, living in