Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/84

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and turned her attention to the Baroness, who was overflowing with affability and grandeur.

"That naughty Willis has run off to London, and has referred me to you, Mrs. Mrs.—"

"Dear Mrs. Hopkinson," said Aileen promptly, in her soft voice, "are you sure this is not your chair I have appropriated?"

"To you, Mrs. Hopkinson," continued the Baroness, ignoring the audacious Aileen, "he says you and your girls—where are they by the bye?—will help me in this difficult matter of a villa. I am afraid I am very particular, I am so spoiled. Now you, with this dear, tidy little cottage, can't guess what my troubles are, what with housekeeper's room, and the Baron's billiards, and Moses' smoking, and my own suite of apartments—a cottage, though I am sure I envy you, would not suit us."

"Here is a list my girls have brought from the house agent's; there are not many houses vacant just now, Acacia Place is one of the best, Baroness."